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Les 5 différents types de portage - BIICOU

The 5 different types of carrying

Having your baby close to you is an incredible feeling, and provokes an unparalleled emotion in everyone. This is why the carrying that you will have to choose to cuddle and take your baby everywhere will be essential in maintaining your relationship and above all your comfort for both of you. Carrying slings, slings, baby carriers… These types of carrying will no longer have any secrets for you at the end of this article.

Importance of physiological carriage

In a so-called physiological baby carrier, your baby is in a natural posture which allows him to be comfortably seated in complete safety. His knees should be raised to navel height, therefore higher than his buttocks, and his lower back should be rounded. Finally, your thighs must be spread apart without forcing them at the hips.

Preformed baby carriers

This type of baby carrier is preformed in the sense that it is ready to use. You will only have to put your baby in it, after having put it on thanks to the shoulder straps and the hip strap. Some baby carriers have built-in hoods, back pockets, or others are very simple.
The advantages of baby carriers are their practical side, easy to put on you. For parents who are a little busy and quite active, this type of baby carrier will save you a little time.


The baby sling

The baby sling is one of the means of carrying that best suits you and your baby. And unlike the preformed baby carrier, it can be used from the moment your baby is born.
After a little practice, the baby sling will undoubtedly become your favorite means of carrying. In fact, the main thing to master is knotting. Once you repeat the method a few times, getting your baby settled will be child's play.
You can follow this simple video which shows step by step how to tie a baby sling .

The sling

If you want to move towards a carry that is still ergonomic, but easy to set up from the start, the sling is undoubtedly the solution made for you. It combines practicality and comfort, and thanks to its integrated rings, there is no need to tie knots; it is also called the knotless baby sling. It will allow you to carry your baby from birth in a stomach position, and when he grows up, you will be able to carry him a little more on the sides.

The mei-tei

A Mei-Tei is a baby carrier that has certain characteristics of the preformed baby carrier and the baby sling. Finally, it combines all the advantages of both means of carrying. The seat present on the preformed baby carrier is present here, which allows the baby to be comfortably seated. The fabric in which the mei-tei is made is similar to the baby sling, which supports your child a little more naturally. The knots to tie are simply those of the straps and the belt, so the mei-tei is easier to hold in one hand the first few days.


The hiking baby carrier

It's certainly not Biicou who will tell you that baby can't go on an adventure. In any case, no excuse not to take your little face with you. In fact, this type of baby carrier follows the continuity of the preformed baby carrier, but is designed for the purpose of hiking or walking in the forest. On this baby carrier, your infant is carried on your back, which allows you to be a little freer in your movements, to have a weight well distributed on the shoulders, and to have a little more storage.

It should still be noted that before 6 months hiking is not very recommended.

Why adopt a baby carrier?

Baby carriers have quite a few advantages:

- carrying allows you to be much freer in your movements and to have your hands free in order to carry out your various activities and move around during the day

- having a baby carrier is very practical, especially on public transport, no need to ask for help when you have to go down the steps of the metro, or when you have to get on a bus

- for breastfeeding mothers, it allows you to have optimal support and to breastfeed a little longer. Don't forget to return your baby to the initial position after the breastfeeding period

- And obviously, one of the best reasons to adopt a baby carrier is to nourish this parent-baby bond, which is nourished by the closeness you will have throughout its development

Find all our baby carriers here

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