Néobulle - My Néo preformed Gray
🛡️ 12 month commercial warranty 🛡️
🔐 Secure purchase 🔐
🏅 Refurbishment grade
In a perfect state
✍️ Sweet words from the workshop
🤙This item works wonderfully, but may have very slight signs of wear invisible without a good magnifying glass
🎯Ideal for parents who are starting their second-hand journey and who want to do something for the planet
For more information on the grades we offer .
🎨📏 Features
- Color(s): Gray
More information on the official website
Comes with
- Instructions for use in paper format📜
🔁 An item to resell to us? Estimate its recovery in 5 minutes!
Why Biicou?
We firmly believe that responsible consumption and the arrival of a baby can go hand in hand.
Our commitment to parents translates into a service that matches the importance of a birth and results in a positive experience for second-hand equipment and impeccable functionality of all our items.
Each reconditioned item is disinfected, checked with numerous safety and operational points, has a low ecological impact and is completely safe for your baby. And all this without weighing heavily on your wallet.
Détails 🔎
Pays de fabrication 🌳
Etat ✨
Âge conseillé 👶
Composition 🩺
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Cet article est en accord avec nos valeurs ❤
Chez Biicou, nous vous offrons un mélange unique : des trouvailles de seconde main, des créations neuves toutes droit sorties d'Europe, et même quelques intrépides poussettes neuves qui ont un passeport pour notre atelier de réparations à durée indéfinie. 🌍✨