Pink bath booster seat
📦 What's included:
- Bath booster
- Instructions sent by email or upon delivery 💌
⚙️ Features:
The baby toilet reducer is a practical and essential accessory to ease your little one's transition to using the adult toilet. Designed to provide comfort, safety and hygiene, this reducer is ideal for children in the potty training phase. It fits easily over standard toilets and allows your child to sit comfortably while avoiding fears related to toilet size.
📜 Our commitments:
All our products are functional, reconditioned, disinfected and guaranteed for a minimum of 12 months!
🎖️Reminder of Grades:
- Perfect condition: Product that has generally not been used and has no visible defects
- Very good condition: Product having already been used with some slight scratches or marks
- Good condition: Product having already been used with notable signs of wear
For more information on the grades we offer .
Détails 🔎
Pays de fabrication 🌳
Etat ✨
Âge conseillé 👶
Composition 🩺
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